Claudi Bombardó starts his music and dance studies in Barcelona (Dolors Ramirez, Institut de Teatre) and finishes them in Germany (John Cranko Schule, Heinz Bosl Stiftung). During ten years he is a member of the Wiener Staats Opern Ballet where he combines his career as a dancer with choreography. He creates pieces for different european companies (abcdancecompany, Emmelia, Interplaydancetheater, tanzGraz, Wiener Staats Opern Ballet) and collaborates also with chamber musicians (Steps in concert en el Brukner Haus, Linz with Mund.Art) and percussion ensembles (Romper la Hora, TanzGraz with the Steiriche percution; Festival de Segovia with Kimbala percussions).
His choreographic repertoire includes more than thirty pieces presented in different european theaters (Italy, Greece, Israel, Germany, Austria, Spain…). He has also participated in the creation of three dance films in collaboration with Nera Films productions. Besides his own choreographic works, Claudi Bombardó gives workshops in various conservatoires such as The Viena Opera School, The Professional Conservatoire of Valencia and since 2016 he is house choreographer at the Institut del Teatre from Barcelona.

Nora Sitges-Sardà starts her professional dance career in IT Dansa, a young contemporary repertoire company directed by Catherine Allard, in Barcelona. In 2000 she starts working abroad, in Germany and Austria. From 2004 she works as a freelance dancer in different international projects and she starts as choreographer assistant. Through her career she dances pieces from many international well known choreographers like W. Forsythe, I. Galili, J. Kilyan, Jacopo Godani, Nacho Duato, W. Vandekeybus, Ramon Oller, Karole Armitage, Shlomi Biton… In September 2012 she is required to take part of the artistic team at the Gärtnerplatz Theater in Munich where she works as vice-director and choreographic assistant until 2015. After that, she takes part of the artistic team of the DresdenFrankfurtDance Company directed by Jacopo Godani where she works as a dancer for the first year of the company. She is then called to be artistic and choreographic assistant at ITDansa where she is actually engaged. Based since 2016 in Barcelona, she keeps collaborating with different choreographers in creative projects and as guest teacher in various european dance companies. 

In 2003 the two artists meet in Austria and they start a collaboration which brings them to create their own company in Barcelona. Their last creation is "full evening", a piece in co-production with the Festival Grec Barcelona in which they experiment about perception and interpretation with an original and new format.

After this last production, they decide to engage themselves in different projects in Barcelona and abroad and since then there has been no new creation as CONTRAPUNCTUSdp. Next step it's now to be decided...